Aktuální kniha se vzkazy Alanu Rickmanovi
(Alan Rickman Messages)
Kniha je určena všem, kteří chtějí Alanovi např. popřát k
Vánocům, do nového roku či ho jen pozdravit. Nejedná se o JEHO
knihu návštěv, ale o mnou poskytnutou možnost "vypovídat" se.
Nezaručuji, že si Alan tyto zprávy přečte!!! Ale možnost tu je
(navíc vám mohu hrdě sdělit, že Alan už o mých stránkách ví!;-).
V knize, prosím, dodržujte pravidla pro slušné chování a
využívejte ji jen k určenému účelu! Aby Alan vzkazům rozuměl,
doporučuji je psát anglicky;-)
guestbook is for everyone, who wont to send wishes to Alan
Rickman. This is NOT HIS GUESTBOOK, but only my opportunity to
tell him few words. I can not guarantee he will read it, but the
possibility exist;-)
přání z původní knihy vzkazů
Name: Annie
City Hradec Kralove
Sent: 11.08 - 22/8
You are my big love and I need you.I know, you are star and you
have wife (or not?), but I can¨t live without you,
With love forever your
Name: Tereza Faldikova
City Zdar on Sazava
Sent: 18.14 - 28/7
Dear Alan Rickman,
You are my favourite actor.I love your films especially Harry
Potter.(I love you)
Name: Alena Vyslyšelová
City Olomouc
Sent: 19.26 - 21/2
Dear Alan Rickman,
happy birthday!!! I love your work and I love YOU so much...
With love your fan
Name: Beladona
Sent: 18.16 - 10/2
Hello,I'm not very good in english.You are my favourite actor...It
is very hard work.Best wishes Beladona...
Name: Mrs.Rickman
City Ceské Budejovice
Sent: 21.43 - 23/1
Hi my darling Alan!I think you're really great,beautiful and
amazing!I love you and your films too.So,very happy birthday.With
love your best fan Barbara.
Name: Mischel
City Usti nad Labem
Sent: 19.50 - 3/12
Hallo Mr. Alan. I love zour films and zou. Zou are my favourite
actor. Happy birthday! With love Michel Rejzek
Name: B.Snapeová
City Bludimírov...
Sent: 17.00 - 16/11
Alan Rickman je fakt super chlap a fešák,a jak hrál profesora
Snape proste super clovek!
Name: VeLuS
City Litomerice...
Sent: 14.25 - 3/11
Já bohužel neumim ani slovo anglicky...ale chtela jsem Alanovi
poprát spoustu dalších skvelých filmu, jako mel doted...Moc si
ho vážím..a to nejenom pro to, že je opravdu sexy...
Name: Gabriela Zvonková
City Novosedly na Mor.
Sent: 09.23 - 13/8
Takže,ehm,ceština zvítezila...Myslím,že Holiwood muže být
spokojený,protože získal herce,který nejen me okouzlil svým
šarmem,elánem a...no proste vším:-)
Name: Zuzka
Sent: 07.42 - 7/8
I love you as prof. Snape you're so cute..
Name: Myn
Sent: 01.45 - 3/8
Name: Anita Forrai
Homepage: http://www.dodger.freeblog.hu
City Hungary, Budapest
Sent: 19.40 - 28/7
Do you speak English? I'm no...
Name: Já :)
City Prágl
Sent: 20.29 - 27/7
No..takže to bude asi cesky..
Alan je podle me skvelej herec. Je super...poprvé jsem ho videla
v HP a mooooooc se mi tam líbil. Tohle jsou ty nejlepší stránky
o nem, ráda sem chodím.
Taky jsem videla prodávat na DVD film Truly,Madly,Deeply a mám
takovej pocit, že si to koupím....
Alan, you are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!
Name: iris
City utrecht holland
Sent: 17.15 - 7/7
I always think what I will say when i see you but now I'm
writing i don't even know what to say.
I've repeated it in my head a 10000000 times and just now
Iforgot, Ijust want to say you are a rolemodel for me.
I'm in acting myself and Iwant to get as good as you whwn I'm
I just want to say that even In a tiny countrie like holland
there are big fans of you.
You are the greatest actor i've ever seen.
with love Iris v/d Tier
Name: Alenka
Sent: 14.42 - 5/7
I don't speak English very well, but I must say one thing: I
Name: anubis
Sent: 17.11 - 30/6
I love this man!!!!!!!!§ So much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Katie Coonjohn
Sent: 03.51 - 25/6
Well, I guess I didn't know what to say to my hero....:r but,
you are. I admire your work, it's fantastic! It's really
inspired me to do much better in my pursuit to be an actress.
Your really handsome, yeah I know that you get that alot, but I
guess that your used to it. It must be scary having people that
you've never met before saying that to you. Maybe it isn't, i
don't know, i've never met you.....although it probably is my
highest goal. I'm sure that you are a great person. I know that
one word could never describe you but I'm having a brain-freeze.
Hoping to meet you someday,
Name: Katie Coonjohn
Sent: 03.44 - 25/6
Name: Lenka Mickalová
City Partyzánská 892,Rožnov pod Radh. 756 61
Sent: 11.02 - 16/6
Hi!!I must say,that you are COOL.Mr.Alan I want you photo and
autograph.Sorry,my English don´t good.You are so good actor and
nice person and such a handsome man!!!!!!! I am quite young,but
I like your style.Soo...Have a nice Adress:Lenka Mickalová,Partyzánská
892,R.p.R. 756 61 Czech Republic!!!
Name: Anne
City Berlin
Sent: 13.18 - 15/6
Sehr geehrter herr Rickman ich kann leider nicht so gut Enlish
deshalb schreibe ich in Deutsch ich hoffe das sie ein guten
Übersetzer haben.Ich bin ein großer Fan von ihnen seit sie Snape
in Harry Potter spielen.Sie haben mich sehr mit Ihrer Dastellung
der Rolle Fastsenirt und ich hoffe das sie Snape in allen
Verfilmungen spielen werden.
Name: Vyky
City Prag-Czech Republic
Sent: 11.32 - 8/6
Hi ! I must say, that you are COOL guy, you are so good actor
and nice person and such a handsome man ! I am quite young, but
I like your style. Soo... Have a nice day !!! )
Name: Tice or WaterFlower
Sent: 19.09 - 27/5
I´m sure you can speak English. Happy birthday to you...
Late is better than never
Name: Olgoj Chorchoj
City Beroun
Sent: 17.47 - 27/5
Wogenzín, Zajenzín!!!!
Snyyyyyyp, Snyp, Snyp, Snyyp!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fifty-seven candles can´t be on one cake!!!!!!
I MUST LAUGH HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Wilma
Sent: 05.35 - 27/5
I like to say that you and me Mr.Rickman have on the same Day
our Birthday.Iwas born on 21.02.1963 ,alright I'm a little bit
younger,but my next Birthday I open a Bottle of Champain ,and
look at your Picture ,and wisch you and me a Happy Birthday.
Name: Terda
City teplice
Sent: 11.59 - 9/5
I love you.
Name: Eva
City Mlada Boleslav
Sent: 08.09 - 6/5
Hello Alan, how are you? I would like thanks you,because you are
the best player in films of Harry Potter. I would like to see
you. I know that this is dream for many people and my too. I
would like talking with you about films and about you. I´m from
Czech Republic and I´m 18 years old. Bye and have a nice day.
Name: Alenka
Sent: 17.24 - 4/5
Hi,Alan...you are super!!!
Name: Ainex Omi
City Prague
Sent: 15.30 - 2/5
Ehm... Hello! I wanted to tell you something but I forgot it. So
just fo interesting can you speak russian? By the way I don't
speak english well. It's so difficult to speak 4 languages! At
home - russian, at school - czech and with my friends french and
endlish. My class-mates think I'm absolutely crazy and mad and
guess why because I like (no I love!) Shakespeare, odore english
and french history and I hate sunny weather. Life is life... and
me is me... I wish to know why am I writting things like this
??? Maybe becouse I'm a recluse from I was born and loneliness
is good when there is someone you can say it. I hope you'll
Sent: 11.22 - 30/4
I love you Alane and you are very pretty,good actor and
beautiful,nice!!!Please writte me!!!DOMCA
Name: Sandra (Sandy)
City Freital [Dresden)
Sent: 15.35 - 13/4
The people who don`´t saw this wonderful mimicry, are very poor!
AR and Kate Duchene are perfekt actors! A lot people don´t know
they, but they can be very happy, because I know they! ( I want
to write reviews in the future, because I can´t become an
actress-> the competitors (AR) are to good for me!!!!!!!)
Name: Elodie and Elizabeth
City Grenoble
Sent: 10.24 - 13/4
WE LOVE SNAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Elodie
City Grenoble
Sent: 09.10 - 13/4
YOU'RE SO SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Cornica
City Bratislava
Sent: 18.15 - 6/4
I think your voice is so sexy, and sound like velvet.It is a
pity,that you aren´t a slovak or czech actor.
Name: Lucie Vitkova
City Hradec Kralove
Sent: 19.26 - 4/4
Name: Radka klimesova
City Czech republic
Sent: 14.37 - 4/4
4th April
Where are you from?????
Name: Klára
City Trutnov
Sent: 21.07 - 21/3
I love you
P.S.to je jediný co umim
Name: Klára
City Trutnov
Sent: 21.05 - 21/3
neumim anglicky
Name: Martina Vachelová
Sent: 12.01 - 19/3
You are the best actor who I ever had to seen!Especialy as
Severus Snape!
Name: Katuska
City Praha
Sent: 15.47 - 18/3
Dear Mr Rickman,you are fantastic!!!!I love you
Name: Onrejka
City SUmperk
Sent: 18.30 - 14/3
Name: Jana Tomková
City Ceská republika
Sent: 13.34 - 7/3
I Love You
Name: Mirka
City Ceské Budejovice - Czech Republic
Sent: 12.10 - 2/3
Name: Alis
Homepage: http://alanrickman.webz.cz
City Trutnov - Czech Republic
Sent: 19.10 - 20/2
Dear Mr. Rickman, I wont to wish you happy birthday! All the
best in your private and professional life, lot of health, love,
success and many trusty fans over the world. With love, Alena
Name: Kukulena
Sent: 21.43 - 19/2
Happy every day for you and Roma!!
Name: Martina B.
Sent: 18.55 - 16/2
Happy birthday,Alan. I LOVE YOU.
Name: Laura Smales
Sent: 19.30 - 11/2
hey alan im 16 years old and i think you are the best actor in
the world!!! my best friends think you're great too, especially
in Blow Dry, you look so good in it!!!! xxx
Name: Anna Brezinová
City Svetlá nad Sázavou-Czech republic
Sent: 08.50 - 11/2
I must say you something - when I first read Harry potter, I
immediately fell in love with Severus. And when I found out YOU
will act this role the love was suddenly greater and greater.
Happy holidays and happy Valentine.
Name: Baja
City Plzen-Czech Republic
Sent: 13.02 - 8/2
Happy Birthday,Alan.
Name: Hana
City Bratislava
Sent: 20.38 - 7/2
Happy Birthday, Maestro.
Name: Vanesa
City Praha
Sent: 13.26 - 6/2
I wish you nice Valentine!!!!!!
Name: Iva H.
City Banská Bystrica
Sent: 11.41 - 6/2
Severus, Gríma cervivec do boja!!!!
Name: ivana hurbanová
Sent: 11.39 - 6/2
I m Iva and i have 15 yaers and I LOVE YOU !!!!!
Sent: 11.36 - 6/2
Ahoj Alan milujem ta a ako Severus si najsexy chlap na svete
viem, ze nerozumies ani slovo. Ak toto cíta nejaká Slovenka tak
je spriazenená duša.
Name: Aunrea
Homepage: http://searlyn.tripod.com
City US
Sent: 21.39 - 4/2
If Mr. Rickman is reading this I would like to say happy
birthday and hope that you have many more.
Name: Verca
Sent: 16.20 - 2/2
Happy birthday to you and good luck Alan
Name: Snapi
City LTM
Sent: 22.28 - 31/1
Happy Birthday and I LOVE YOU!
Name: Vanesa
City Praha
Sent: 16.10 - 28/1
Happy birthday
Name: Kiki*
Sent: 14.37 - 25/1
Je sice brzo, ale Happy Birthay!!